Friday, March 16, 2012

Thing Best Ever

This afternoon, amidst a lengthy, rain-soaked, March Madness-filled, indoor activity only day, Amari cozied up next to me on our couch, put her head on my shoulder and said, "Dada. You're best my friend." Much like when she said, "My love you," I hadn't the slightest desire to correct her. Instead I leaned back and said, "You're best my friend, too."

And now for something completely different...

One of the reasons I started writing this blog was to be able to answer Amari's future questions about her childhood. Sure, I've earned the right to say, "I don't f-ing remember. Check your blog," but in case we still get along, I'd like to be able to check it myself, share some proud and/or embarrassing moments with the boy or girl or she one day brings home.

Also, I recently realized with all of the photos and videos I take of Amari, there are very few of the two of us together. In case I die, become irrecognizably disfigured, or simply have to be place in WitSec for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I've decided to chronicle a few of our days together.

In case I get relocated, Amari, look for the Panda hat. And don't go to Giants games, it will only confuse and upset you.

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